1 to 1 Consultation


You are unique.

The initial 1 to 1 consultation is guided by a questionnaire which you will be asked to complete prior to the consultation.  It will include details of your medical and health history, information on your lifestyle such as sleep, exercise, and relaxation, as well as a 3-day diet diary. This will be discussed in detail during the consultation with the aim of assessing dietary insufficiencies and deficiencies and lifestyle factors which can influence our personal requirements.

The outcome will be a comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle plan which will be supported with appropriate recipes, meal ideas and handouts to provide more detail on certain dietary approaches.

Supplements and functional testing may also be suggested. Roisin will help you source supplements and will manage all aspects of the tests including recommending phlebotomy services if required.

Typically 3-4 weeks later the suitability of the plan and your symptoms will be reassessed and updated as appropriate.  The frequency of follow-up appointments will be discussed as each client requires a different level of support.

If you feel ready to go ahead or would like to know more you can arrange a discovery call (free of charge) with Roisin to see how to proceed. Click below to get in touch.